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History: In the 1980s knowing little about sheep I started with a small flock of Texel and Texel x Charollais and a small flock of rare breed Manx Loghtans. Over time I got to know the reason why rare breeds are rare and the advantages and disadvantages of various types of sheep, especially the pure breds. Over the years I have used Llyn, Suffolk and Charollais rams on the commercial ewes but kept coming back to Texels. I have always liked sheep that are a bit different but have also been aware that there needs to be a market for them too. In 2010 I purchased a Monsa Ram and Ewe and three ewe lambs. I loved the colours but not the conformation or feet so for some years have been crossing back to my mainly Texel type commercials some of which were spotted. Now there are commercial sheep of all colours producing lambs which all grade E and U. They are easy to keep, quiet and some very friendly and they dont

have too many problems..touch wood. I have also kept a few Beltex x ewe lambs to see what they produce.... 

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